Bolivia (HN)
Corroico Nor Yngas, Bolivia was founded in June 1962 from Bordentown, NJ.
Brazil (HN)
Anapolis, Goias, Brazil was founded in 1963 by the New York Monastery. In 1987 the last American
Sisters left and this is now an independent monastery.
Founding Sisters, Anapolis, Goias, Brazil, 1963
Guatemala (MMB)
The Huehuetenango, Guatemala Monastery was Founded in November 30, 1981 from Memphis, Tennessee Monastery.
Japan (HN)
Kiry-shi, Guma-Ken, Japan was the first monastery established outside of the U.S. by one of our federation monasteries and was founded in 1961 from Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts.
South Korea – Jeju Island (MMB)
Jeju Island, Korea was founded in 1972 from Minneapolis, MN.
Yangyang, South Korea (MMB)
Yangyang, South Korea was founded in 2001 from Jeju Island, South Korea.