Monastery of St. Clare — Evansville, IN
Mother Mary Magdalen Bentivoglio established the Evansville, Indiana Poor Clare Monastery in 1897. On August 18, 1905 our dear foundress of the Poor Clares in the United States went from her room where she was surrounded by her praying sisters to be with her Loving Lord in Heaven. She had been selected with her blood sister, Sister Mary Constance Bentivoglio by the Holy Father, Pope Pius IX from Rome to establish the Poor Clares of the Strict Observance here in the United States. It was after many difficulties and disappointments in various other locations that they were able to begin in Omaha, Nebraska, then another in New Orleans, Louisiana, and the third here in Evansville, IN. These have been followed by the establishment of many other Poor Clare Monasteries both in the United States and internationally. Mother
Mary Magdalen is buried here in the Catholic Cemetery of St. Joseph where many people of Evansville and other pilgrims come to venerate her and leave small offerings on her grave.
We invite you to join us at our link for more about this wonderful spiritual adventure as it continues today. Come away and listen in your hearts.
To learn more about our monastery, visit our website at .
Contact Information:
Monastery of St. Clare
6825 Nurrenbern Rd.
Evansville, Indiana 47712
Telephone: 812.425.4396
E-mail: [email protected]